Aging Gracefully Challenge - Day 12 - Forgiving Ourselves!

OUR MENTAL DIET – UNFORGIVING THOUGHTS: Yesterday fasting unforgiving thoughts towards others. Today we are to fast unforgiving thoughts towards ourselves.

The Bible says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  So if we made mistakes, even serious mistakes, and confess it to the Father, it is forgiven. He has now cast all of our sins as far as the east from the west (Psalm 103:12) and into the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19).

Our sins that we confessed now only exist in our memories. If God has forgotten them (Isaiah 43:25, Hebrew 8:12), why are we remembering them? Confess them, forget them and feel the weight of guilt lift! If Satan brings up your past, confessed and forgiven sins say “I don’t remember that at all and neither does God.”

Also, be aware that unforgiveness towards ourselves can be a spiritual root of disease. Negative thoughts about ourselves can actually trigger the hypothalamus that something is wrong. This in turn can weaken the immune system and cause it to attack healthy cells physically even as we attack ourselves spiritually. (Exposing Spiritual Roots of Disease by Dr. Henry W. Wright, page 112). We will look at this a bit more tomorrow.

Christ said that the first and greatest commandment is to love others as we love ourselves. What’s the prerequisite for loving others? Loving ourselves. Let’s obey Jesus and love and forgive ourselves.

Day 12 Challenge – Fast Unforgiveness towards Ourselves 1) Intentionally forget your sins that have been confessed to God. 2) Love yourself as God loves you, with an infinite, everlasting love.

We have affirmation cards with verses on God's Love and on God's Forgiveness.



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