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Art - Evil Suppresses Truth but Truth Triumphs!

Art - Evil Suppresses Truth but Truth Triumphs!

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God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth.. Romans 1:18 This insightful passage from Romans tells us that truth often reveals itself through what is suppressed, like gold hidden beneath the earth’s surface. It encourages us to pay attention to what is being silenced, as it holds the key to understanding what is genuine and meaningful.

I painted this in 2021. It was a year marked by a profound disconnect between official narratives and underlying realities. Truth was suppressed and I saw the timeless accuracy of the Bible.

From a spiritual perspective, the suppression of the Bible in hostile countries serves as a poignant reminder of its inherent truth. Despite efforts to silence it, the Bible perseveres as a beacon of hope and salvation.

And most importantly, Jesus referred to Himself as the Truth. His crucifixion, a profound example of truth being suppressed, is followed by His resurrection, an even more profound example of Truth triumphant. Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven. Psalm 85:11

If you turn the painting 180 degrees, Truth has indeed triumphed.

The video gives a complete discussion.
Mixed Media on Canvas
48 inches  x 48 inches 
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